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Holy Name Catholic Voluntary Academy

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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A new school year and a new group of 'Friends of Holy Name' members whose aim it is to raise as much money as we can to put back into the school to benefit our children. We do this in many different ways, such as providing transport for school trips, the summer social, breakfast with Santa and a Christmas Fair and many more fundraising activities. 

Over the the next year we hope as many parents/carers can find some time to volunteer at these events, and most importantly attend the meetings to bring any ideas you may have. 

REMEMBER: Any idea is a good idea 💡 


Thank you



Latest news....

Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Fair, we raised a grand total of £960!


Look out for details of our next meeting..


FOHN Minutes 19.09.24

 Future Events

Race Night - Friday 31st January 6.30pm


race night poster.jpg



Role Name
Chair Lisa G & Charlotte B
Vice Chair Angela H
Secretary Rebecca T
Treasurer Sarah D
Communications Charlotte B

Our Class Representatives

Year Group Names             
Reception Charlotte B & Rebecca T
Year 1 Emma L
Year 2 Lisa G & Charlotte B
Year 3 Rosie T 
Year 4 Angela H
Year 5 Helen B & Rachel C
Year 6 Angela H